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what's on » Newport Chamber of Commerce Meeting

Newport Chamber of Commerce Meeting

Newport Chamber of Commerce Meeting

16 September 2024 - Newport Shropshire

what's happening on the day

The next meeting is on Monday 16th September 2024. 

Please note: July's meeting is a private members only event and there is no meeting during August.

Newport Chamber of Commerce meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at 5.30pm for a 5.45pm start at the Navy Club, Bellman's Yard, the driveway opposite BOD. Non members are always welcome. The meeting normally concludes around 7pm. The bar will be open.

We discuss all things Newport from Parking to events, business issues, grants, funding, free training courses etc. We are here for Newport. Please come along and find out more. Contact: Jude Paton 07949 793738 or email: or

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