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All About Business Doing Business

All About Business Doing Business

13 August 2024 - Newport Shropshire

what's happening on the day

You are invited to attend the Business Doing Business event in Newport, Shropshire, This is a Face to Face meeting. Venue: Smallwood Lodge Tearooms and Restaurant, High Street, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7AP. Free parking on Stafford Street Car Park.

A free event to be held on Tuesday 13th August 2024 at 7.30am.

No fee or membership to pay. Just book to attend and turn up pay for your own coffee/tea.

This event is for businesses that want to do business with like minded people, to collaborate, innovative, share information and forge new connections.

The event is open to all businesses from the self employed, small business to corporates and any category of business. All welcome.

Please may we ask you to register (Link below) so we have an idea of the amount of attendees.

The agenda for this meeting is as follow:

7.30am Welcome and introductions

8.00am -Title of the talk: Learn how to pitch anything to anyone!

Meet a Real-life Dragon Slayer!

Peter the Speaker, the man who floored the Dragons in BBC’s Dragons’ Den, invites you to join him to learn how to create the perfect pitch.

Using his unique and simple four-step process, you can challenge Peter to pitch any product or service with no rehearsal time.

You’ll discover the three reasons people choose one product or service over another and Peter is offering a £100 cash prize if you can think of a fourth. 

This session will be engaging, entertaining and inspirational and you’ll leave having mastered the method to pitch anything to anyone.

“Compelling, interactive and extremely powerful;

Peter has exceptional teaching skills”

Dr Malcolm Kirkup, University of Worcester

Born in Shropshire, Peter has a background as both a stand-up comedian and trainer.  In 2018, he won investment in Dragons’ Den for his pet product inventions. His performance was published by the BBC under the title ”Dragons Floored by Entrepreneur’s Outrageously Confident Pitch”

Founder of Petvictus Ltd, now in its eight year of trading, Peter delivers unique highly engaging, interactive business skills training, coaching and team building activities. His tour comes to Shrewsbury in October 2024 under the name “Evolve or Dissolve”.

When he’s not touring the country, he can be found wild camping, kayaking and trekking or just at home with his cats tinkering on his inventions and writing the latest chapter of his new business skills book.

8.30am - Business updates and information exchange

9am - Close

Contact the event organiser: Call Karen Woodcock on 07973 385929 or emai:

booking link ðŸ‘‰

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